Thankful Thursday

Welcome to Thankful Thursday here at The Simple Life at Home. I truly do have so much to be thankful for this morning. God is so good to me and He is teaching me to trust Him more and more each day.
* Since moving overseas six months ago, God has been growing and stretching me. The first five months were SOOOO hard. We felt alone, friendless and lost. But the last month has been a real tipping point. We have made great strides in really feeling at home here.
* Throughout this process I have learned to give it all to God, trusting Him in situations I would normally cry about and fall into self-pity. Getting stuck in the sand dunes? God's way of teaching us that Qataris can be kind and generous. Being in a home that I am less than satisfied with? God teaching me to learn contentment? Disappointment with the lack of homeschool support here? God teaching me to rely on Him. I'm learning to look at each situation through God's perspective and that is a great gift.
* I'm grateful that Ramadan is over!!! I had been all excited since Hubby would be able to be home by 2 pm each day. Well, that would have been great except that EVERYTHING was closed from 1 until 8, so we just sat at home like slugs anyways! Now we are in the Eid holiday marking the end of Ramadan and he's had 3 days off with everything open!! On Saturday, everything goes back to normal. Yeah!!
* I'm grateful for my friend, Tammy. She and her family (her husband and four kids) have effectively been kicked out of Qatar, seemingly because of their work ministering to the Nepali workers here. They have been here for almost 10 years and love it here, so this is really hard for them, but instead of being bitter they see God opening a door. They are being led to move to Kathmandu, Nepal to minister full-time to the Nepali people. Instead of being bitter and resentful, they are joyous and excited.
* I'm grateful that we are going to be going to the States at the end of the month. I am nervous, however that we may have a setback. Since the kids have finally gotten used to being here, I'm worried that the timing may be bad for a visit back home. But the tickets are bought, so there's not much I can do about it. I just pray it will be a positive experience.
* I'm grateful for a wonderful husband whom I love with all my heart.
* I'm grateful for my kids who are sweet and loving.
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Blog Archive
- We Interrupt This Vacation...
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- Whoo-Hoo!!!
- I Can't Imagine Doing This
- Well, I Always Knew I Was a Trendsetter
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- The "One Principle"
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- A Blog You MUST Check Out!!!
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- Obama's Radical Abortion Stance
- Thankful Thursday
- Creative Counterpart - His Greatest Fan
- Sorry, I've Been a Little Out of Sorts
- Quirks? Oh, yeah. I Got 'Em.
- House Pictures, Updated
- Sunday Video
- You Might Be in Doha If . . .
- Thankful Thursday
- Meet My Hubby
- Creative Counterpart - My Own Robert Redford
- Cheap Eats or Not Menu Plan Monday (take your pick)
- Sunday Funnies
- Free at Last, Free at Last!!
- Thankful Thursday
- A Day in the Sun
Gosh, I happened (?) to stumble upon your blog while looking at the list of bloggers who added something for Thankful Thursday. You helped me to put my circumstances in perspective and to get off my pity party. There you are living in a country far from home and yet, you are thankful. Bless you for being faithful to what the Lord has called you to do and then to write about a woman like me could read it. I haven't written my Thankful Thursday post yet...but I will.
What a precious thankful heart you have. May the Lord watch over you and bless you!
Lori, I am rejoicing in the transformation of your heart these last few weeks! God is doing an amazing thing in your life.
I'll be praying for your friends going to Nepal and for your visit back to the states. God's timing is always perfect.
Have a blessed week.
Be sweetly blessed.
I am adding this second comment to tell you that I followed through and wrote my Thankful Thursday post. You inspired me with your writing...thank you.
Awesome post!
Thanks for sharing your grateful heart with us. I will be praying for a good trip back to the states. Hope you have a happy Thankful Thursday!
So nice to meet you!! Wow, you are far away!!
I love your grateful heart. God is truly using this time to draw you close to Him.
I pray things go well when you come back to the states.
I'm so glad God has made clear to you how he's using this time in your life. I pray you have a good trip back to the states, and the re-entry isn't too shocking.
Great thankful post Lori.
Blessings to you,