Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Time

We are now almost one week out from the most historic presidential election in our lifetime.

We've had one week to process all that it means - for African Americans, for Americans as a whole, for Christians, for the world. Even though we are not able to look into a crystal ball and see where our country will be four years from now, we are able to do something.

As Christians, we are called to pray for and honor our leaders.

Treat everyone you meet with dignity. Love your spiritual family. Revere
God. Respect the government.
1 Peter 2:17, The Message.

First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2: 1-2, NetBible

I know that many of us are disappointed that President-Elect Obama has been elected, upset not because of the color of his skin, but because of the content of his character. A man who is so fervently pro-abortion, who has socialist views of redistributing wealth to those who have not earned it, who supports talking with rogue governments with no conditions, who has promised to pull our troops out of Iraq before the job is finished which would leave the country in chaos turning it into a breeding ground for terrorists - well, the list could go on and on.

But we are promised in Scripture that God is sovereign. He had a hand in Barack Obama's election and, believe it or not, it was His will. It's time to accept that. Regardless of our personal opinions, God doesn't make mistakes. It wouldn't have been my choice, but it was God's. End of story.

So now is the time to get down to business. It's time to pray for President Elect Obama - pray for God to touch his heart, pray for wisdom, pray for clarity of thought, pray for his team, pray for God to use him.

It's time to put our money where our mouth is, so to speak.


Jess said...

YES! thank you for this, lori.

i think i need to copy and paste this and email it to about three hundred people...seriously.

i recently purged my bloglines - but not your are one of about four blogs i faithfully read...and stuff like this is continue to challenge and encourage me...

lots of love today on you, my friend,


Debbie Petras said...

Yes, I agree. We need to pray for our President elect Obama. Our pastor preached on respect for those in government authority yesterday. And Senator John McCain was in the audience! He and Cindy go to my church. Pastor Dan said if he knew Sen. McCain was going to be there, he still wouldn't have changed a thing. He thanked him and complimented him on his concession speech.

TJ said...

I agree with you entirely! I posted something similar the day after the election. We know God is in charge, no matter who holds office.


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