Thankful Thursday

Updated: Thanks to Marsha for correctly pointing out that I had read this verse out of context. She's right - it is indeed a psalm written by David and speaking of the life of godliness he desired to lead, including choosing to have only those whose walk is blameless minister to him (David).
I feel terrible for not having done my research and reading the full chapter from which I found this verse. Please forgive my oversight and lack of due dilligence. I promise that I will do my best to never let this happen again. My sentiments, however, are still the same. I still endeavor to make my life be a fragrant offering to the Lord and be a source of joy and pleasure to Him.
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"I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me." Psalm 101: 6
Isn't that an amazing verse? That those who walk in the blameless way minister to God? Wow! We, you and I, have the opportunity to minister to the God of all creation, to the very one who saved us from our sins, the one who we turn to for comfort and safety. That's just incredible to me.
I want that.
I want to know that I am ministering to God by my walk with Him. I want to know that I am not just sucking up His blessings, but also being a blessing and a source of joy to Him. What a treasure of a verse!
Today I have a lot to be thankful for.
- I'm so thankful for Beth Moore's Bible study on the book of Daniel. I have been learning so much about living in a world of excess and indulgence. It's something I really need to learn and take to heart and I'm so glad God led her to do this study.
- I'm thankful that God has brought forth two people to replace me in the bookstore ministry at my church. It had really weighed on me since we made the decision to leave. After running ads in the church bulletin with no response for two months, finally I decided to pray about it. Sure enough that very day I had one volunteer and the next week another one. I'm so glad God taught me a lesson about going to Him in prayer through this.
- I'm thankful that we finally have a date for shipping our belongings. It adds another layer of certainty and progress. Now we just need to find a house to put it all in once it arrives in Qatar!! Hey, there's another opportunity to go to God in prayer!
- I'm thankful for the beautiful weather we've been having. This is my favorite time of year in Miami. The temperature is low enough that you can shut off the a/c and fling open the doors and windows and enjoy the fresh air. Glorious!!
- I'm thankful for my friends who have been so good to me since Hubby's departure. Everyone is being great and offering help and company. It's been a real source of comfort to know that we are not alone.
Be thankful, sister!! Your thankfulness is joy to God. And keep your walk blameless. Minister to Him who created you.
Thanks to Iris! We are so glad she's back hosting Thankful Thursday again!
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- Works for Me Wednesday!!
- Whatever Happened to Me?
- Sometimes One Can be TOO Efficient (Or Why Beaurac...
Such a precious thankful list.
from one Lori to and your family are in my prayers...
such faith!
I was excited to read your positive comments on the Beth Moore study. I was invited to participate in the Daniel study coming up in a few weeks!
That IS an amazing verse! One I've never read or heard before, I don't think. What an awesome thing to strive for!!
Great verse, Lori. I'd love to open my windows about now, except then the snow would come in!
That is an awesome scripture. It kind of goes with Bless the Lord o my soul. We can't bless the Lord unless we are walking righteously. Thanks for a great post -- a lot to ponder there. God Bless!
Such a great TT list. Thanks for your sweet heart. God Bless!
Wonderful things to be thankful for.
About your verse, Psalm 101:6. This Psalm is a Psalm of David. It is his personal vow and profession of Godliness. It is David speaking when he says he will only have the blameless minister (work) for him.
(Matthew Henry Commentary found at
Have a blessed weekend Dear One.
What a great thankful list! Your attitude ministers to us :)
Wow, moving to Qatar - that is quite a ways away. I hope that your move will got without any big problems.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.
Blessings to you and yours.