Monday, November 5, 2007

This is the day that the Lord has made

It really is a glorious day! Despite all my crabbiness lately, I am so thankful that the Lord is in His place in Heaven. So I've decided to make a list of things to be thankful about, even though it's not Thursday! LOL!! I'm calling it "Thankful Monday."

  • The weather has been magnificent the past couple of days! When we have woken up it's been in the 60's!!! That's a cold front for us, y'all! I throw open all the doors and windows and revel in the cool, dry air.
  • I love my church. I really do. I love our new pastor. I love his wife. I love the people there. As word has spread about our possible move, several people lately have said some very kind things to me that have really built me up. (Note to self: don't wait until someone may be leaving the country before expressing your appreciation and love for them. LOL!)
  • Yesterday I got to visit with an old friend who I haven't seen or spoken with in ages. The wife of one of our former pastors, who moved to Illinois to do a church plant, Susan was always one of the wisest women I know. She was in town to help her parents (another extremely wise woman) pack for their impending move. It was so nice just to see her smiling face and to see her daughter, Christina.
  • I'm so excited that I won a drawing in the "Fall Y'all" bloggy extravaganza! And not just any drawing - one for Christian music cds. Now, this is a huge thing for me. I LOVE contemporary Christian music. This set includes BarlowGirl (huge fan!), Jeremy Camp, Mercy Me, and even a Johnny Cash cd. Huge thanks to Amy at In Pursuit of of Proverbs 31.

I guess the point is to make an intentional decision about how I look at the day. Instead of seeing all the negatives (which are all still there) I'm choosing to focus on all the blessings of God and to acknowledge Him for His goodness.

In the midst of all the chaos, I choose God.



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